Type Coercion

// Converts the built-in basic types to 64-bit floats
toFloat64(int8): float64
toFloat64(int16): float64
toFloat64(int32): float64
toFloat64(int64): float64
toFloat64(float32): float64
toFloat64(float64): float64
toFloat64(bool): float64
toFloat64(string): float64
// Converts the built-in basic types to 32-bit floats
toFloat32(int8): float32
toFloat32(int16): float32
toFloat32(int32): float32
toFloat32(int64): float32
toFloat32(float32): float32
toFloat32(float64): float32
toFloat32(bool): float32
toFloat32(string): float32


// Converts to the `float` type, which is an alias for `float64`
// `canFloat64` is an interface that catches any type with a `toFloat64` function
toFloat(canFloat64): float
// Converts the built-in basic types to 64-bit integers
toInt64(int8): int64
toInt64(int16): int64
toInt64(int32): int64
toInt64(int64): int64
toInt64(float32): int64
toInt64(float64): int64
toInt64(bool): int64
toInt64(string): int64
// Converts the built-in basic types to 32-bit integers
toInt32(int8): int32
toInt32(int16): int32
toInt32(int32): int32
toInt32(int64): int32
toInt32(float32): int32
toInt32(float64): int32
toInt32(bool): int32
toInt32(string): int32
// Converts the built-in basic types to 16-bit integers
toInt16(int8): int16
toInt16(int16): int16
toInt16(int32): int16
toInt16(int64): int16
toInt16(float32): int16
toInt16(float64): int16
toInt16(bool): int16
toInt16(string): int16
// Converts the built-in basic types to 8-bit integers
toInt8(int8): int8
toInt8(int16): int8
toInt8(int32): int8
toInt8(int64): int8
toInt8(float32): int8
toInt8(float64): int8
toInt8(bool): int8
toInt8(string): int8


// Converts to the `int` type, which is an alias for `int64`
// `canInt64` is an interface that catches any type with a `toInt64` function
toInt(canInt64): int
// Converts the built-in basic types to booleans
toBool(int8): bool
toBool(int16): bool
toBool(int32): bool
toBool(int64): bool
toBool(float32): bool
toBool(float64): bool
toBool(bool): bool
toBool(string): bool
// Converts the built-in types to strings
toString(int8): string
toString(int16): string
toString(int32): string
toString(int64): string
toString(float32): string
toString(float64): string
toString(bool): string
toString(string): string
toString(Error): string
toString(Result<Stringifiable>): string

These coercions will not fail. When converting down into an integer of a smaller bitsize, numbers larger than that integer's INT_MAX are pegged at INT_MAX, smaller than INT_MIN pegged at INT_MIN and NaN or strings that aren't actually integers are converted to 0. This may be changed to a Result type that requires a user-defined default value on failure. Result types wrapping a type that can also be converted to a string directly, with either the string version of the result, or the error message.